Video Testimonials. A Powerful Marketing Tool

What better way to reach consumers and move them through the sales process than using testimonials from satisfied customers. Testimonials come in many forms but a multimedia offering like video combined with a customer testimonial can deliver the information your audience is looking for.

So what makes video testimonials different than a typical text based testimonial? I’ve outlined a few ways that will help you understand how valuable a video testimonial can be — giving your audience the knowledge and reassurance they need to contact you or purchase your product.

An Emotional Connection

One of the great advantages to video testimonials is they not only show you who is doing the reviewing but connects consumers with the reviewer on an emotional level — they hear the facts, they see it in their expressions. It’s authentic, giving the consumer a real person to relate to — building trust in their review and in your offerings. A plain text testimonial just can’t deliver the same impact.

It’s not Sales Talk

There’s no better way to convert a potential sale than hearing about your product from a peer. If your audience has reservations, all the marketing materials in your company can’t break through their doubts. A video testimonial gives you the voice of a satisfied customer which in turn helps to move the audience to being a more qualified purchaser.

On Their Time

Your consumers are busy and they don’t always have time to meet with sales staff or pour over your materials. Video testimonials give them the information they need on their time and in an easy to consume format. Whether at home in the evening or riding the train to the office — the internet has given consumers more time to pursue products and gives you, the marketer, more avenues to reach your audience.


Word-of-mouth referrals are still one of the best ways to get business. Video testimonials allow you to reach multiple people in a shorter amount of time. By putting your video testimonial on your website as well as YouTube and/or Vimeo you are opening up the opportunity to attract hundreds if not thousands of consumers simultaneously.

These are just a few reasons video testimonials are a powerful marketing tool. By including video testimonials in your sales efforts you are giving your consumers information they want and need to make an informed buying decision.

Are you ready to make the move and create powerful, engaging video testimonials? Let’s talk. Give us a call at 603.491.0545 or email us.

We’re here to make your stories appear.

Video marketing is here to stay

It’s no secret. Video marketing is here to stay. But why should you incorporate video marketing into your content marketing strategy?

First, the future is video

A recent study from Cisco predicts that by 2019 video will comprise about 80% of all web traffic worldwide. In fact, web video stats for the U.S. are even more impressive coming in at 85%.

Video improves your SEO results

Let’s do some math. You’ve heard the saying — a picture is worth 1,000 words. Let’s say we shot your video at 30 frames per second. That’s equivalent to 30 pictures. Now let’s multiply that 30 pictures by 1,000 words. That’s right. A whopping 30,000 words per second. So say your video is one minute long. That makes the value of that one minute video 1.8 million words — or the equivalent of approximately 3,600 typical web pages.

With YouTube the second largest search engine in the world after Google (who owns YouTube by the way) tagging your videos, using keywords and utilizing video transcripts combined with adding videos to your website makes a page one Google search result 50 times more likely.

Your company should have an explainer video

Explainer videos, which like they have become incredibly effective in growing a business. 98% of users say they’ve watched an explainer video to learn about a particular product or service and 85% of people are more likely to buy a product once they see an accompanying explainer video.

You’ll sell more effectively with video

Businesses using video grow company revenue 49% faster year-over-year than companies without. 90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is helpful in the decision-making process and including a video on your landing page can increase conversion by 80%

Offer your consumers what they want, where they want it

Today online video accounts for half of all mobile traffic. In fact, averaging 1 hour and 55 minutes per day — 4 times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.

Your business needs video in order to remain competitive now and in the future.

Want to learn more or are you ready to make the move to video. Let’s talk. Give us a call at 603.491.0545 or email us.

We’re here to make your story happen.

Resources — Aberdeen Group, Insivia, Eyeview MWP, E-marketer, Vidyard, Video Rascal, Dr. James McQuivey – Forrester Research